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Check Google Scholar for a full list of publications.

Graham, C., Khalife, S., Pearl, D.L., Mason, G.J., Niel, L. 2024. Tell-tail fear behaviours in kittens: Identifying the scaredy cat. Animal Behavior and Cognition (Accepted, in proof).

Graham, C., Hurley, S., Pearl, D.L., Mason, G.J., Niel, L. 2024. Online training using an educational video improves human ability to identify and rate kitten fear behaviour. The Journal of Shelter Medicine and Community Animal Health.

Graham, C., Koralesky, K.E., Pearl, D.L., Niel, L. 2024. Understanding kitten fostering and socialization practices using mixed methods. Animal Welfare (Accepted, in proof).

Graham, C., Pearl, D.L., Niel, L. 2024. Too much too soon? Risk factors for fear behaviour in foster kittens prior to adoption. Applied Animal Behaviour Science Special Issue: From pests to pets: The multifaceted cat-human relationship, 270, 106141.

Campbell, G., Arnott, E., Graham, C., Niel, L., Ward, M., Ma, G. 2024. Impact of early socialisation in foster care on kitten behaviour. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 106306.

Franks, B., Gaffney, L., Graham, C., Weary, D. 2023. Curiosity in zebrafish (Danio rerio): Behavioral responses to 30 novel objects. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Animal Behavior and Welfare, Current State of Fish Behaviour & Welfare Research: Honoring Victoria Braithwaite.

Graham, C., von Keyserlingk, M.A.G., Franks, B. 2018. Free-choice exploration increases affiliative behaviour in zebrafish. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 203: 103-110.

Graham, C., von Keyserlingk, M.A.G., Franks, B. 2018. Zebrafish welfare: Natural history, social motivation, and behaviour. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 200: 13-22.

Franks, B., Graham, C., von Keyserlingk, M.A.G. 2018. Is heightened-shoaling a good candidate for positive emotional behavior in zebrafish? Animals, 8, 152. doi:10.3390/ani8090152